2023, audible, Author Love, Book Snippet, books and the city, Dryathlon with a twist, ebook, Fitness, personal, poetry, running, TBR, Throwback Thursday, Uncategorized, Weekly Update

Weekly Update #62

Happy Saturday beauties I’m so sorry this is coming rather late in the day. Was on a late shift and to say I’m exhausted is an understatement.

It’s been quite a week although in saying that there aren’t loads of photos from the week, but it’s been enlightening to say the least. I’ve managed to post every single day of this week and I’m super chuffed at that. So lots of posts to share I’ve also had some gorgeous book post although I haven’t taken pics of them all and I’m already out the house. I’ve been added to a few March blog tours and I’m extremely excited about that.

This is the truly gorgeous thank you pack that SJ from Simon & Schuster sent me for taking part in the Valentines #RespectRomFic post that I will be sharing again in this post.

The audio reading hasn’t been as productive since the lack of headphones but I have started listening to.

Very early stages but as ever she has had me laughing out loud. I will dedicate some time to this in the next coming week.

So what’s been on the blog this week?

On Sunday I took part in another fabulous Six for Sunday post and you can read that here. I love looking at these stacks although almost always I haven’t read all of them.

On Monday I shared my thoughts on Prince Harry’s Spare this has been quite a popular one this week and you can read it here.

Tuesday was Valentine’s Day and I was pleased to take part in the #RespectRomFic movement. I also managed to finish reading The Daughter in Law the review of that one will be up tomorrow. You can read my Valentine’s post here.

On Wednesday I shared a different post about poetry with an extract from a book. You can read that here.

Thursday’s seem to be for Throwbacks and you can read my latest one here.

Friday saw me actually post although I confused myself as I had written it and hadn’t realised I hadn’t actually posted it until later in the day. It was my review on the collection of poems and A Heart Lighter Than a Feather here.

That’s pretty much it…ooooh actually I lie. On Monday I got out and ran it wasn’t pretty but it was a start..

I also managed to spend some much needed time with the girls…that completes my week as I’m onward to work once again. Until next time…

2023, poetry, Review, Uncategorized

Book Review: A Heart Lighter Than A Feather By Salma Yusuf

Blurb: A heart Lighter Than a Feather takes the reader into a deep inner journey by contemplating about their lives. It’s a contemplative poem which takes the reader beyond everyday thinking mind.
These poems call the readers to go within and find their truth. To see infinity in totally different lenses. And appreciate life by looking deep into the purpose of creation. It’s a soulful collection that addresses the soul and it’s needed to express beyond our physical reality. This book talks also about the importance of the heart. By listening to the heart, reader can open to unlimited potentialities within themselves.

Review: Over the years I’ve always loved poetry and I’ve always said I would read more. I own a few books but it’s not a genre that I go to even though I should. I’ve also dabbled in trying to write it…that’s another story.

This is a truly gorgeous collection of poems – some will hit home more than others depending on the type of person you are, and what gets you if that makes sense. For me the more religious ones didn’t have the same effect on me but that doesn’t mean they weren’t good. The subject matters vary with mindfulness, self love, self worth and the heart in general making you think in the best way.

A sampler of what Salma Yusuf can do, the bit about the author told me she’s from a scientific background, which now makes sense for her descriptions of the heart and that of the mind. This is a journey that you could read during a coffee break or could dip in and out or at your convenience. I read over half in one sitting but then I just didn’t get the time to pick it up. It’s definitely made me think I need to delve into poetry more often, it’s a gorgeous way to switch out of reality and escape.

2023, poetry, Uncategorized

#Poetry A Heart Lighter Than A Feather By Salma Yusuf

Today I’m sharing something a little different I’ve always loved poetry but I don’t read it often enough. Over the years I’ve toyed with writing poetry although I’ve never been that great at it. Although I have tried here and there. It’s another genre I hope to read more of maybe I can do so this year. So today I am sharing an extract from A Heart Lighter Than A Feather. I will also be reviewing this gorgeous collection at a later date, so watch this space.


I came here into this world seeking a home 

Looking for a face that I knew

Moving from home to home 

From country to country…

Till I found out the home and destination are within me

Calling me softly to seek that glowing internal blessing of home

A home sweater and warmer than honey 

The home was my divine self

My true self that was telling me all the time

These masks I’m carrying are not my true self or home

It lies within my heart, 

Like a sun shining a beam of light within.

The entire earth and universe are within me,

Because I have found my inner home

The divine home within.

So what did you think of that poem? Home is such a profound thing, how did it make you feel?