2020, blog blitz, Blog Tour, Blogmas, Buddy Read, christmas, Friday meme, love books group, Monthly Wrap Up, running, Uncategorized, Weekly Update

Weekly Update #23

Blink and another week goes by, as you saw last week I was getting mixed up with days and all sorts. That’s what happens when you’re not working or running. It also wasn’t the greatest week for me.

Following my self inflicted injury I have been continually stretching with the help from my two year old niece. She’s watched me so often that after I aim to plank for 1 min although she more often that not stops me before 25 seconds she tells me what I should be doing next. When I say tells me she obviously doesn’t understand the names of the stretches but she does them although she calls a lunge a lunch which is adorable.

Before attempting to run again I decided to descend on a walk that’s one of my previous running routes. I had to collect a Christmas gift so this made perfect sense to do so I did this on Tuesday and obviously picked up one of these festive beauties.

I felt good for the walk and after a good stretch, I decided I would leave a day or so before I tackled a run and on my run I wouldn’t push it beyond my body. This turned into a number of days gap thanks to the truly awful weather so this morning I got back out there and ran for 4 miles. It was pretty hard going but it was so good to be back running even though I felt like my chest was burning. Yup I’m that crazy who ran from Eltham through Lee and Blackheath and back in shorts and a vest. I was cold on my descend to where I would start running but once I got going I was pretty warm. Sunshine is a blessing and a curse for a runner it’s great as dry conditions are the best but when the sun beams down on you along with your own sweat it can be killer.

I’ve made a number of purchases to aid my running journey and this top is the latest. I missed out on getting one of these from ChantillyFit the first time so when she brought them back I had to have one. I wasn’t sure on the sizing but it fit like a glove I absolutely loved running in this today.

This week I have read…

I was on the blog tour for No Room at the Little Cornish Inn and I very nearly forgot about it. This was a gorgeous festive treat focusing on family and happiness and I have to mention it features a dashing Irishman who is a bit on the surly side but he was gorgeous all the same you can read my review here.

I truly loved the Christmas Crime Anthology I would have read it a lot quicker but I had to write notes for each. This anthology is in aid of a domestic violence charity and was worth every penny. Although it may prove costly as I’ve found so many fab authors who I will definitely want to read more of.

Yesterday I was graced with another treat from my fabulous friend Catriona aka Fabulous Book Fiend in this.

Naturally I’ve sampled the peppermint as been itching for a peppermint latte.

So what’s been on the blog?

I’m pretty chuffed that November was a full house and December is starting pretty well. I’m hoping to prep a few posts as I have some stuff half started and ready to go.

On Sunday I shared this post on Self Care and you can read it here.

Monday was the final day of November and I had this to share with you Blog Blitz

On December 1st I had two posts to share with you a Blog blitz for Unparalleled and the review of No Room at the Cornish Inn which I’ve already shared on this post.

On December 2nd I was honoured to share a spotlight post for a gorgeous debut author and you can read it here.

On December 3rd I finally shared with you what I read in November and you can read that here.

Yesterday I was meant to post two posts but time ran away with me plus I had a few other things as well as trying to get a head start on my latest buddy read. I posted my second Friday meme and you can read it here.

So that concludes my weekly update. Is there anything you would love more or less of on here? Do get in touch.

I’m currently buddy reading this…

So far it’s gorgeous although I kind of feel like I’m cheating on Christmas with New Year. I’m not as far along as I would like as continued reading late last night and was giving myself a headache which I woke with. Hoping it eases to let me catch up…

There’s a few things I would definitely like to accomplish this week including getting some more runs in. If I get three in a week I’m a happy girl but I will be happy with at least another following today’s.

As Monday I’m heading to Sainsbury’s so wish me luck. But as I say I still have festive reading plus I think I have a Thriller that’s due out this week and I believe it’s a debut so would like to attempt to get that read and reviewed for publication on Thursday.

2020, A thought? A question, Blogmas, Friday meme, Uncategorized

Bookshelf Travelling for Insane Times: a New Friday Meme #2

Welcome to another Friday here at Hayley Reviews. I had initially wanted to do this meme again but I put today’s post to the Twitter poll if you don’t already follow me you can find me http://www.twitter.com/HayleyTOfficial and this won alongside an audio review which will also come shortly.

Judith at Reader in the Wilderness has started a new meme for Fridays – Bookshelf Travelling for Insane Times.

The idea is to share your bookshelves with other bloggers. Any aspect you like:

1. Home.
2. Books in the home.
3. Touring books in the home.
4. Books organized or not organized on shelves, in bookcases, in stacks, or heaped in a helter-skelter fashion on any surface, including the floor, the top of the piano, etc.
5. Talking about books and reading experiences from the past, present, or future.

Whatever you fancy as long as you have fun basically.

This week I’m sharing just a few of the festive paperbacks I hope to read before 2020 is out.

Out of this stack the oldest one I have is the Heidi Swain one – I got this when I was working at the charity shop and I read a mere few pages before the season changed I believe I may have another of hers on ebook – although I’ve read her latest The Winter Garden – that was one of my first reads of this years offerings.

There are a number of others that I will be reading electronically I cannot seem to bunch them together on my kindle so watch this space.

Have you read any of my paperback stack? I’m hoping to read Dash & Lily on Christmas Eve what should I start with from this stack.

I’m currently buddying reading this with Catriona well have started today. Feels a bit like I’m cheating on Christmas with New Year although there’s a lovely sentiment that I may wish to try this coming year in seeing the first sunrise of the New Year. I’m hoping that 2021 will hold a lot of hope for us all.