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Book Review: Nothing New for Sophie Drew By Katey Lovell

Blurb: Who ever said life was easy?

Sophie Drew is thirty, single and stuck in a dead-end job; convinced everyone around her has their lives in order as she’s stuck muddling through.

When a final demand from the bank makes her realise how dire her financial situation is, Sophie becomes determined to pay off her debts and take back control. 

During her reinvention, Sophie meets attractive charity worker Max and things start to look up, but her best friends have other plans. With spendthrift ex Darius back on the scene, she finds herself in a dilemma. 

Will Sophie fall back into her old ways, or can she find the confidence to make the right decisions and find happiness?

Review: I’m not sure where to begin but this is a truly refreshing read. Nothing New For Sophie Drew is the first novel in a brand new trilogy from Katey Lovell and I honestly cannot wait for more.

It’s been a while since I’ve read anything from Katey but this book swept me off my feet and let me escape as well as letting me think. Sophie is an interesting leading lady and I love how Katey has taken a very real subject matter and brought it home – I honestly can’t think of another novel that’s focussed on finances and spending and how it can effect our day to day lives and relationships. I think based on the subject matter it seems apt that Sophie Drew is set in Newcastle with elements of unnecessary spending and experiences similar to that of the Geordie Shore gang.

Sophie needs to curb her spending habits as they have gone out of control with many a red letter arriving at her parents. She doesn’t realise how unnecessary a lot of her spending is and a lot of it is for appearances and thanks to other people in some instances. In speaking to her credit card company she has that light bulb moment and realises she needs to change.

Sophie feels like everyone around her is living the lives they want. She feels like the failure amongst her family circle, and in some instances I’ve had those doubts over the years especially as the oldest sibling. Although she soon realises there are a lot of people putting on a brave face. Having worked for a charity shop I loved the element of that and how real that was. There were often real gems found in a charity shop and a fraction of the original retail price. I also appreciated how many variations of people frequent these establishments.

I have to mention the element of friendships and close knit families. Katey has a real eye for creating friendship groups that you would love to be a part of and emulating similar people to that of real life. Sophie, Eve and Tawna are a fantastic bunch and warts and all they really care for each other – I must admit I loved the outburst in New York as it brought the trio closer. Highlighting that communication is key and friends will literally move heaven and earth for each other. It also showed that appearances can be deceiving as each of them played their part.

There is an element of romance and rekindling within this novel. Emotions are heightened and I can see why Sophie was swayed at times but once a bad apple. I won’t delve into it too much but I very much disliked Darius – he maybe easy on the eye but he’s rotten to the core.

As this is the first in the trilogy I knew it would end with a cliffhanger of sorts and I’m honestly so happy for how it ended for Sophie. I cannot wait to see where the next instalment takes her and I would love to hear more of her friends too. A truly fantastic opening novel that will leave you full of love.

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