2018, Uncategorized, Wandering Wednesday

Wandering to the 1930s

Wandering Wednesday is a meme I created after returning from a holiday and longing for another. Of late there have been a number of books that have made me long to book a flight and I am hoping on making some bookish trips when I can, so watch this space they will be documented.

Today I had it in my head that I would be posting a review of a book I have truly loved but for one reason or other my time with said book has seemed a lot longer than expected. Alas that review will done this week I hope, but today I’m going back to the 1930s and I will miss my Nan terribly as this era especially in film would have been something I would have loved to have shared with her. I have such fond memories of Nan over feeding me and then her getting out the Milk Tray alongside a film, quite recently I was given a thank you certificate and chocolates from work and they were Milk Tray it felt like a nod from Nan.

Back to the point in hand these old films remind me of that time I’m so grateful we shared and when reading Holly Hepburn’s Brief Encounter at the Picture House by the Sea I was transported back to my Nan’s front room.

Brief Encounter at the Picture House by the Sea

I’m ashamed to say I haven’t seen the film and if I have I don’t remember it but when I saw that this would be on the stage I knew I had to see it. The show has a limited run and will now close on Sunday 22nd so today I decided that if I could get a rush ticket for the matinee I would go.

I tried to post this before I went into the cinema to watch an extraordinary piece of theatre and film but the signal was so bad so here it is after the event. Although I feel I have to write my review of my thoughts separately to this post. What I will say is I most definitely need to see the film and I felt like I was back at Once the musical with the pre show entertainment. Thanks to the usher for telling me to stay in the foyer it really did add to my experience and what a gorgeous way to spend a day off immersed in theatre/film and now I’m about to delve back into a book.

I may have also purchased a book that’s not officially out in paperback just yet apart from train stations and airports. I wonder what that could be. I will be attending an event where this book is linked next week.

Are there any other iconic films that I should have already seen?

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