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Weekly Update #25

Firstly, I’m so so sorry that this post is super late in the day. Even before Boris changed restrictions today was a busy and tense one – had a few things to do. I can safely say I managed to get in a few bottles of Mulled Wine for Christmas 🙂 so in that sense I was happy. I’ve not felt very Christmassy so today I sat and watched Holidate.

A fun film that will definitely put a smile on your face. Although it does make us single folk think but this is definitely a film we can escape to and relate to.

Now as ever there’s been some running in my week. I got out on Tuesday and on Thursday. On Tuesday I ran 4.77 miles the sunshine after the rain sure did make it a hard slog. I had wore a T-shirt but based on how hot it became I needed to have had a vest on.

Following the 10k last week I knew my next run I wouldn’t be pushing it. On Thursday I got back out and this time I hit the 5 miles I could have ran a little longer although it was another hot one so I didn’t push it. This time I learnt my lesson and ran in my vest and shorts. It was another warm one and the sun sure was blinding but I wanted to get at least 5 miles in and I did so I was happy with that.

On Wednesday evening I joined Catriona on her channel to talk all things This Time Next Year and you can see it here.

This week I read?

I’m still listening to…

And I should have already finished…

So it’s been short reads following my headache leaving me. My ear has reared it’s ugly head again and I’ve suffered from a bit of a stiff neck but bar that I’m ok. Hoping to get back out for another run tomorrow.

What’s been on the blog?

On Sunday there was a Blog Tour post where I shared an extract and you can read that here.

On Monday I shared my thoughts on The Christmas Killer and you can read that here.

On Tuesday I shared a Blog Blitz called Twinkle and you can read that here.

On Wednesday I had initially planned to share a review but thanks to the headache it turned into this Hump Day post which you can read here.

On Thursday I had a Cover Reveal which you can see it Here. I also shared a blog tour post on an adorable Children’s book with such a special message you can read that here.

On Friday I shared a blog blitz for 58 Farm End that you can read here and my thoughts on the festive Jack Reacher short that you can read here.

I’m so sorry that this post is so late in the day. I didn’t really want to be posting it tomorrow as I have a blog tour commitment and didn’t really want to be sharing all these links and that too. It’s been a weird ole day but we have to take each day as it comes I guess. We have the good and the bad. As I say I’m hoping to get up and out tomorrow a run always makes me feel better even when my joints are crying at me. It may also be my last chance ahead of Christmas so watch this space. I promise next weeks will be more organised and prompt. As ever if there is anything more you would like to see here at Hayley Reviews do get in touch.

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