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More Meet Cute gorgeousness from Katey Lovell – The Boy with the Boxes

Who can resist an Irishman as I most certainly cannot. Now this is the third of the Meet Cute stories that I have read and I have simply adored each of them so far for completely different reasons.

In downloading the boy on the bus Katey herself mentioned this one and I was intrigued, many that know me say I’m very predictable when it comes to the Irish and in some ways I guess they are right.

I love Katey’s writing this one was built up so much that it seemed so much longer than it was and when that spark between Connor and Rosie happened you were left wanting more. I felt so encompassed in the moment that for a split second I thought it was my moment. Sad but true. I love these shorts although I must admit after all three I have felt a pang of sadness in saying goodbye to these characters.

After my current read I may squeeze in the boy on the bus as I have been itching to read that one since I downloaded it. I must say the thought of this story makes me think of the beautiful Aussie who worked in HMV when I worked for O2 in Bromley – I cannot for the life of me remember his name though but it’s always lovely to reminisce and smile.

I now want to take a second to say Thank You. 

Thank you for reading, liking and commenting on my posts. Hello to all my gorgeous new followers and welcome to the mad house. I am still giving away Andrew Crofts gorgeous novella – it should be shared not shelved. Here’s how. Thanks to everyone who has got involved with my polls on Twitter it’s great interacting with you all. 

Tomorrow will be Wandering Wednesday’s it’s not written yet but I have an idea….

2 thoughts on “More Meet Cute gorgeousness from Katey Lovell – The Boy with the Boxes”

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